Discarnate humans, a fascinating and intricate aspect of the spiritual realm, are those who have transitioned from the physical world to the ethereal planes but have not fully detached themselves from the physical, etheric, and astral realms. Notably, it's not limited to the departed souls themselves; even their discarded etheric and astral shells can take on a life of their own, evolving into nonphysical parasites once their conscious spiritual core has moved on.
Rudolf Steiner was an Austrian philosopher, social reformer, and esotericist who founded the spiritual movement known as Anthroposophy. He had a unique perspective on the spiritual world and the existence of etheric shells, which are believed to be remnants of a person's etheric body after death. Steiner's insights into these concepts have sparked intrigue and discussion among those interested in the paranormal and the afterlife.
According to Steiner's teachings, the etheric body is one of the subtle spiritual bodies that exist alongside the physical body. It is often described as a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms and plays a crucial role in an individual's life processes. Upon death, Steiner posited that the etheric body separates from the physical body and eventually disintegrates, leaving behind what he referred to as "etheric shells."
These etheric shells, as Steiner envisioned, are not conscious entities themselves but residual energy patterns or imprints of the deceased individual. They hold the potential to retain some characteristics or memories of the person who once inhabited them. It is within this context that the concept of darker entities comes into play.
Steiner suggested that certain malevolent or negative spiritual entities might be drawn to these etheric shells. These entities, motivated by a desire to maintain their influence in the physical world, may attempt to inhabit these shells. In doing so, they could effectively impersonate the departed souls, wearing these discarded etheric shells as masks. This eerie phenomenon might manifest itself in various paranormal contexts, such as séances or Ouija board sessions.
Séances are gatherings where individuals attempt to communicate with the spirits of the deceased. If the etheric shells are indeed attractive to darker entities, they may exploit the vulnerability of those participating in a séance. These entities might mimic the voices or personalities of the departed loved ones, leading participants to believe they are in contact with their deceased relatives. This can be a perplexing and unsettling experience, blurring the lines between the living and the spiritual realm.
Ouija board sessions, which involve using a board with letters and symbols to communicate with spirits, could also be susceptible to such manipulations. Participants using the board may believe they are receiving messages from the other side, but in reality, they could be interacting with these darker entities masquerading as the departed.
Personal Experience
During my extensive years of conducting seminars where I channelled for groups, I had grown accustomed to connecting with various entities without any issues. However, there was one particular evening that stands out among all my experiences. It was during a session with a large crowd that something profoundly unusual occurred, challenging my abilities and intuition.
As I delved into my channelling practice that evening, an unexpected presence made itself known in my consciousness. It was the spirit of a young girl who had passed away, seeking to communicate through me. She identified herself as the daughter of someone in the room and revealed that she had been handicapped in her earthly life. Her heartfelt desire was to speak to her grieving mother.
Channelling with the deceased was not something I typically engaged in; it was uncharted territory for me. Filled with uncertainty, I cautiously addressed the group, inquiring if anyone present had recently lost a young, handicapped girl. To my astonishment, a woman among the attendees began to sob and shared that she had tragically lost her beloved child just two weeks prior, and indeed, her daughter had faced physical challenges.
At first, the encounter was filled with joy and relief, as I conveyed to the mother that her dear departed daughter was communicating through me. The child's initial words were those of comfort, spoken in a sweet, innocent manner that reassured her mother's grieving heart. However, as our conversation unfolded, the energy in the room began to shift dramatically.
The young girl started making an unusual request: she asked if she could enter my body and directly communicate with her mother. For some reason, my intuition sent warning signals, urging me not to comply with this unusual request. Instead, I felt compelled to maintain a boundary, staying outside of my energy body and conveying the girl's messages to her mother myself. An overwhelming sense of unease and fear crept over me, intensifying as I resisted the entity's insistence.
I declined to permit the girl to enter my energy sphere, and in response, her anger escalated. The more I resisted, the more her anger intensified, ultimately leading to her unveiling her authentic nature and appearance. It became evident that I wasn't communicating with the deceased girl, but rather with a negative entity impersonating her. I observed as this entity made persistent efforts to breach my energy field, and I continued to resist until it finally transformed and revealed its true form—a likeness reminiscent of a gargoyle.
Ultimately, I had no choice but to bring the session to an abrupt end. I refrained from revealing my concerns to the grieving mother, as her solace had been derived from the words she heard, and I did not want to diminish that consolation. This perplexing encounter left me with a lingering sense of disquiet and scepticism, as it raised unsettling questions about the ability of entities to impersonate the departed souls of loved ones. It was a profound lesson in discernment and the boundaries that must be maintained in the delicate realm of spiritual communication.
The plight of these discarnate humans, or the autonomous etheric and astral remnants they leave behind, is intriguing. They can forge a connection with a living individual, latching onto their life force to sustain themselves and experience life vicariously through their host.
Without a physical body, satisfying physical addictions becomes an impossibility for these souls. Yet, their desire for such sensations remains. Thus, they ingeniously splice themselves into the neural and etheric circuitry of the living, gaining a fleeting taste of the physical world's sensations once more.
The attachment between a discarnate entity and a living host is most potent when they share a profound emotional resonance. For instance, a soul who took their own life might find solace in attaching to someone who already harbours suicidal tendencies, creating a symbiotic connection fuelled by shared despair.
One of the most intriguing aspects of discarnate human entity attachments is how they can manifest as personality overlays upon their hosts. This results in cravings and biases that are utterly out of character for the individual. These ethereal attachments tend to occur when individuals are at their most etherically vulnerable, often in proximity to places and situations linked to the departed souls.
Completing the grieving process is essential, not just for the living but also for the peaceful transition of the deceased. When individuals cannot let go of their attachment to a loved one who has passed away, this emotional bond can influence the journey of the departed soul, resulting in an attachment between the living and the etheric shell of the deceased.
The grieving process is a natural response to loss, involving stages such as denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Completing this process allows individuals to work through their emotions and eventually find closure. However, when someone cannot let go of their attachment to the deceased, it often indicates unresolved emotional issues. This attachment frequently stems from feelings of guilt, regret, or a profound desire to be reunited with the departed.
The emotional state of the living can indeed impact the journey of the deceased soul. If the living person remains emotionally attached and unable to move forward, their emotional state can hinder the departed soul's progression to the next stage of existence. A soul unable to transition fully due to the emotional attachment of the living may linger as an etheric shell, resembling the deceased. This underscores the importance of finding closure and completing the grieving process, not just for the living but also for the peaceful passage of the departed soul.
To assist a loved one's deceased soul in transitioning and prevent attachment to its ethereal shell, you can perform a heartfelt and spiritually uplifting ritual. Begin by creating a serene and sacred space, preferably during a peaceful time of day or night. Light a white or lavender candle to symbolize purity and divine guidance.
Sit quietly, grounding yourself through deep breaths and meditation. Call upon the loving energy of the universe and any benevolent spiritual guides or angels you resonate with. Visualize a radiant, golden light surrounding you and your loved one's ethereal presence.
Speak to your loved one's soul with love and compassion, encouraging them to let go of any earthly attachments. Remind them of the beauty of the afterlife, the reunion with departed loved ones, and the boundless love and light awaiting them.
If you have a memento or photograph of your loved one, place it on an altar or sacred space. Offer a small token, like a flower or a crystal, as a symbol of your love and support in their journey.
Finish the ritual with a prayer or affirmation, expressing your love, gratitude, and release. Let the candle burn as a beacon of guidance for your loved one's soul.
After the ritual, maintain a peaceful and loving atmosphere in your home, allowing your loved one's spirit to feel welcome to move on. Trust that their journey will be guided by the love you've shared, and they will find their way to the light, unburdened by the ethereal shell.
Connecting with a deceased loved one can be a deeply spiritual and transformative experience. It involves transcending the earthly form they once inhabited and recognizing their true essence as a radiant light being. This connection goes beyond the physical and taps into the eternal, transcendent nature of the soul.
In this sacred connection, one may come to understand that the departed loved one is not confined to the limitations of their earthly existence. Instead, they exist as a luminous, timeless entity, free from the constraints of the physical body. It requires a shift in perception, a willingness to perceive their presence as a warm and comforting energy rather than a mere memory of their physical appearance.
Seeing the loved one as a radiant light being allows for a more profound and spiritually enriching connection. It opens the door to communicate on a soul level, to feel their love, guidance, and presence in a more expansive and unfiltered way. It is a reminder that love transcends the boundaries of life and death, and our souls continue to shine brightly in the universe long after we depart from this earthly realm. This way of connecting with a departed loved one can bring solace, healing, and a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all souls in the grand tapestry of existence. It is a powerful and beautiful way to keep their memory alive and to honour the enduring light of their soul.